The BEST Book on Leading Change In Your Church

church leadership Dec 15, 2023

Let me take a wild guess here... There are things you want to change about your church.

You have a list.

You dream about what it would be like if you could make the changes you want to make.

If only your leadership team, elders, staff, congregation, etc would just get onboard with you!!

This episode will help you with that!

I'm going to walk you through the concepts from my favorite book on leading change in your church.

This book is a tried and true gem.

I've used the principles it teaches for years, and they are tried and true.

What is it? Watch or listen to find out!

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Be a Pillar of Virtue (Pastor Expectations 7 of 7)

church leadership Dec 07, 2023

Ahh, a pillar of virtue. One who floats on the clouds unaffected by criticism, temptation, angry congregants and everything in between.

That is basically what is expected of you at all times as a pastor.

Is this fair? Is this biblical?

Who gets to define how a "pillar of virtue" behaves?

And how does this intersect with the qualifications for pastors that Paul lays out in 1 Timothy?

In our final episode of this series on the unrealistic expectations pastors face, we'll dive into it all and discover how we should deal with this particularly hard to fulfill expectation.

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Be the Master of Ceremonies (Pastor Expectations 6 of 7)

church leadership Nov 30, 2023

Can weddings, funerals and baptisms lead to burnout?

It depends on how you manage the expectation of being the officiant of all those ceremonies.

In this episode, we discuss how to set the expectations and manage the responsibility of weddings, funerals and baptisms - and any other rituals, ceremonies or sacraments you're expected to facilitate.

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Be a Human Resources Director (Pastor Expecations Part 5 of 7)

church leadership Nov 21, 2023

I would guess that when you signed up to be a pastor, the absolute LAST thing on your mind was that one day you'd be expected to manage HR at your church.

That you would effectively be a human resources director on top of being the spiritual shepherd and preacher of your church.

Nevertheless, the expectation to hire staff, fire staff, develop staff, and build a good workplace culture probably falls on you - if you haven't done something about that expecation.

In this episode, I'm going to give you a three part framework for how to manage the responsibility of HR in your church so that it doesn't take every last ounce of energy you have!

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Be a Fundraiser (Pastor Expectations Part 4 of 7)

church leadership Nov 17, 2023

Your church needs money to operate.

Almost nothing happens without it.

And the expectation of raising enough funds for the church to meet its budget and fund special projects often falls squarely on you, the pastor.

How do you manage such an important responsibility?

In this episode, I'll give you a three part framework for fulfilling your role in your church's fundraising.

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Be a Counselor (Pastor Expectations 3 of 7)

church leadership Nov 09, 2023

How do you handle the expectation of pastoral care in your church?

Too often the senior pastor takes on this burden nearly entirely.

This can become a massive drain on you - spiritually, emotionally and physically.

The people in your church have to be cared for, but it doesn't have to be you carrying that burden.

In this episode, I'll lay out a framework for making sure that everyone is taken care of without you losing yourself in the process.

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Be the CEO of Your Church (Pastor Expectations 2 of 7)

church leadership Oct 30, 2023

When you signed up for ministry, did you know you'd be expected to function as a CEO?

Oh, and you need to give a keynote address to the whole organization every Sunday.

And, you better lead at a world class level.

And bring the right team around you.

And never let the church's attendance flatten or decline.

And make sure you, your spouse and kids all remain pillars of virtue through every challenge.

If you fail at any level as the CEO of the church, you will be replaced.

Nothing to it, right?

In this episode, we are examining the crippling expectation that pastors be the CEO of their church.

We will discover a way to deal with this expectation so that we can come out on the other end with our sanity intact.

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10 Reasons Church Attendance Is Declining (even for committed Christians)

church leadership Jun 15, 2023

Church attendance is in decline overall. But this is not just among those who have left the faith entirely.

Even those who are committed Christians are attending church less and less.

In an article on his website, Carey Nieuwhof explores why. In this episode, we'll dive into the ten reasons he gives for why church attendance is declining and what we can do about it in our churches.

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The Five BEST Books on Church Growth

church leadership May 25, 2023

Living things grow. If something isn’t growing, it’s dying. This is why a church that is not growing is a cause for concern. A church should be alive and one way to know if a church is alive is to look at the numbers.

Numbers aren’t everything, but numbers represent people and each person has a story and every story matters to God (I didn’t come up with that, but I love it).

Every church leader should be intentional about positioning their church for growth.

This is why I’ve pulled together my list of the best five books on church growth.

Each one of these books will give you strategies and actionable best-practices to help grow your church.

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3 MASSIVELY Encouraging Church Trends (That I observed at Exponential 2023)

church leadership Mar 13, 2023

This week I attended the Exponential Conference in Orlando, FL. This is one of the largest church leadership conferences in the world with over 5,000 pastors and church leaders in attendance.

I observed some trends in the capital 'C' church that I found to be incredibly encouraging.

In this episode, I'm going to share those three observations with you and what we, as church leaders, can learn from them and apply to our own contexts.

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