How to Start a Self-Hosted Blog in 20 Minutes

blogging Oct 12, 2018

I dove into blogging four years ago, and I absolutely love it. Blogging is how I share my passion with the world. It has helped me reach an audience that I would have NEVER been able to reach. And it enables me to share a message with thousands of people … and more every day.

Many people have asked me along the way how they can get started blogging. Perhaps you would like to start blogging as well but you’re not sure how to get started. The good news is it’s easy to start a blog and you can get it up and rolling quickly – in 20 minutes or less.

In this article I will walk you through a simple, step-by-step process to start your blog. I will guide you through determining a topic, picking a domain name, choosing a platform to host your blog, and writing your first posts. But first…


Before we dive into how to get started blogging, I want to point out a few reasons why starting a blog can be such a rewarding journey.


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How to Build an Online Platform In Any Niche

blogging social media Jul 02, 2018

I want to show you exactly how to build an online platform in any niche. You may be where I was four years ago. You have a passion welling up inside of you, but you’re not sure how to get the word out. You want to influence and contribute in your space. You want to make a difference by sharing your expertise, passion and creativity with the world, but getting started seems so daunting.

What if I told you it’s easier and harder than you think? It’s easier than you think because if you want it badly enough you can do it. Its harder than you think because building a platform requires hundreds of small steps. These small steps add up over time to become something amazing, but so many people give up after a few steps if they don’t see things happening fast enough.

I want to detail my journey for you. This is not to brag because I could also show you many others who went further faster. Rather, I want to give you an honest look at what it has taken to go...

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