You need a break! How to prevent burnout in ministry

church leadership Dec 29, 2019

As I’ve had some time off this week I have been reflecting on the importance of taking time off.
 So many pastors live on the edge of burnout because they give all they have all the time and don’t have intentional breaks built in to recharge.
But we need to take time off so that we can be fully present with our families. Then when we re-engage with our ministry we are able to be fully present with our church.
Without balance, we’re not going to fully available for anyone.
In this week’s video, we talk about how to build intentional time off into our weekly schedule and how to get the most out of vacations. 
P.S. 2019 has been the BEST year ever for Preaching Donkey! Thank you for subscribing, for your encouragement and for your faithfulness to your calling as a pastor and proclaimer of the gospel. You rock!
P.P.S. And by the way… 2020 is going to be even better! I’ve got some amazing things planned for you to keep helping you preach with more impact and effectiveness than ever before!

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