Ravi Zacharias Investigation Findings (Three VITAL Lessons for Church Leaders)

church leadership Feb 16, 2021

If you've been following the Ravi Zacharias investigation into, what is now, multiple abuse and sexual misconduct allegations, you know how troubling this situation is for so many.

Zacharias' organization, RZIM, was the foremost organization for providing world-class Christian apologetics resources. And Ravi sat atop that organization as a beaming example of how to engage skeptics with thoughtful, considered answers to some of the toughest theological and spiritual questions.

This is why this fallout and subsequent investigation has been so horrendous for us to discover over these last several months because it shatters the trust and confidence we had in Zacharias and RZIM as authoritative figures in Christianity.

This is why it is so important that we learn what we can from this awful situation in hopes that we may prevent these sort of abuses from happening under our watch.

In this video I walk through the findings from the independent investigation into RZIM and the actions of Ravi Zacharias and we draw out three vitally important lessons we can learn as pastors and church leaders.


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